Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Maybe Things Will Work Afterall

Well, Chris and I finally talked last night... about most things. I was able to tell him that he needs to figure out where this relationship is going and that I'm not liking how things are going right now because I don't feel as though they are going anywhere... He seemed pretty receptive to my comments and really tried to listen. It was nice for a change. I also told him that it's really important that he is nicer to me from now on because it hurts my feelings when he's not nice. We also talked about his inability to connect with his emotions. As in, when he feels an emotion, he doesn't actually express it... His feelings come out as smart ass comments and things...
We talked about the fact that we each have our own ways that we feel loved... my ways seem to be by him buying me small things whereas his is me doing things around the house that he has asked me to do. The other day I made it a point to fold and put away all my laundry that was in the baskets (something he had asked me to do) and he didn't even acknowledge that I did it. I told him it hurt my feelings because I did that specifically for him because I could pretty much just live out of the basket. We agreed that he would be offended if he bought me flowers or something and I just didn't acknowledge it.

So, I think we have finally come to a potential turning point. After our conversation was over I went to take a shower. When I got out of the shower he asked me if I would really want to spend the rest of my life with him and I told him that up until real recently when things started to get a bit complicated and weird I did... and I told him that we would definitely need counseling because I don't generally know how to express any emotion other than anger and he doesn't know how to really express any emotions...

I feel a lot better and I feel as though we are actually moving in the right direction. Though there are a couple other small things I want to talk to him about... like his stinginess with his money and not really putting forth a huge effort to take care of me. But, I didn't feel that last night was the time to say anything like that. I felt we had made progress and I didn't want to ruin it.

Hopefully I'll have more to say later...

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